Le blog Ptibouchou teste les vins en canettes

The blog Ptibouchou reviewed Winestar® wine in cans. Excerpt : “These cans are designed with a special internal coating the enables a perfect preservation of the wine!… The concept is really nice and convenient to take for a picnic, to some friends place or just for cooking” URL : http://ptibouchou.canalblog.com/archives/2016/03/08/33486641.html

Test des vins en canettes Winestar sur le blog Barbichette

The mens blog reviews the latest wine trends and tests Winestar® wine in cans : “Winestar offers a range of premium wines from famous French wine regions, with the advantage to drink one glass at a time without the need to open a bottle, and even to propose different wines for everyone. No need to Read more about Test des vins en canettes Winestar sur le blog Barbichette[…]

Les canettes marquent la plus forte progression dans la catégorie vins selon Wine Enthusiast

The Wine Enthusiast published an article relating that the Wine Market Council, an association of wine professionals, and Nielsen noticed that the wine in cans category grew by 60% in value and 129% in volume on the American market ! It is by far the largest growth of the Wine category ! URL : http://www.winemag.com/2016/01/27/wine-market-council-defines-the-industrys-latest-trends/